Well it's been a long while, 20 years actually, since I posted a blog on this website. With the rise of various social media platforms creating a public square in the early 2000's, most of the private blog pages became obsolete or hardly noticed. Most social platforms, for a while because of mischievous virus scripts, banned posting links to your blog in comments. Much has changed since 2000/2001 but not politics. People never really change. We've seen the same ol' story play out over and over again in the history books. Read my twenty year old 2000 election blog here: Post Election 2K worse than Y2K

ANYBODY paying attention since senile Biden was SELECTED by the DNC to be the presidential nominee in 2020 KNEW there would be a no Biden in-person inauguration celebration. We MAGA knew there would be zero in-person support for Biden and in order to hide the election fraud lie and their man's total unpopularity, they HAD to lock down DC to pretend they were making everyone safe and hide their crime of election fraud and a fraudulent presidency.

They KNEW no one was coming by the number of reservations by airline, ground transportation, and lodging. They KNEW they had to act. Airlines pretended to be helping by not allowing certain ticketing after Jan 6th, car rentals supposedly cancelled. Even Air BnB jumped in. BUT they KNEW by the lack of reservations no one was coming long before the Capital riot incident. They had to hatch a cover-up scheme. Never let a good crisis go to waste.

WE KNEW the Capital was not safe in 2017 and MAGA showed up by the hundreds of thousands anyway. There were no soldiers by the tens of thousands to protect MAGA. They allowed violent riots to coincide with the inauguration because President Trump was the "Russian's hand picked" President. He was, according to Hillary Clinton, "An illegitimate President." Now four years later we know for a fact Hillary's campaign hatched the entire Russia HOAX! The press immediately jumped on board the Hillary conspiracy to attack President Trump's popularity over Obama. They couldn't attack fast enough to try to hide his blow out Electoral College numbers in November of 2016. They cannot defend even now the fact that President Trump is the MOST POPULAR PRESIDENT EVER and got the most votes of ANY Republican EVER. So the scheme to gaslight America AGAIN with another HOAX was hatched.

Joe Biden did not get eighty million votes. He could not even get a sizeable crowd at any event. They blamed COVID. Funny, President Trump had no problem getting supporters to rallies. Those MAGA rally people are the COVID 'Super Spreaders' dontcha know. They make excuse after excuse for Biden in order to hide his unpopularity. We know the election was stolen by corrupt electioneers and rigged election machines. I warned of this in January 2001, in my election blog. (Post Election 2K worse than Y2K) As King Solomon, the wisest man on earth, once said, "Nothing is new under the sun."

So here we are pretending, in an Orwellian world, everything is fine, let's just move along, and we'll get it right next time. President Trump tried to stop the year long violence. He tried to stop the COVID lock downs causing immeasurable stress upon the American people. He tried to warn of the election being stolen by mail-in fraud schemes being hatched by the Democrats using COVID as a cover. Republicans and Democrats both mocked him. Thus here we are. Since the January 6, 2021 Capital breach, twenty seven thousand soldiers right now are surrounding the Capital complex in a "green Zone". Washington DC is in lock down. The military as been authorized to used lethal force. Big Tech and other corporate giants are making sure we don't speak of election fraud, because what we are saying has never been said before and therefore it is 'dangerous speech'. People are forcibly being silenced and removed from major social media platforms. The President of the United States was cancelled from all major social media. (Let that sink in for a minute.) Web providers are cancelling websites. Payment processing services are removing 'wrong thinking people' from the ability to do web commerce. Politicians who speak out are now 'dangerous' and must be stopped by every means necessary.

Don't you dare remind people on the other side it has happened before, particularly by their side. That their side has been the violent ones since Trump ran for president. Their side caused violence at every campaign rally in every liberal city. Their side boycotted the 2017 inauguration. Their side was the #notmypresident #resist people. Their side talked of blowing up the White House. Their side claimed to be 'nasty women'. Their side created plays assassinating President Trump. Their side made music videos assassinating President Trump. Their side held up the severed head image of President Trump. Their side imagined, "When was the last time an actor assassinated a president?" Their side breached the Capital during the Kavanaugh hearings. Their side screamed outside Susan Collins' office. Their side trashed Senator Johnson's office. Their side tried to break into the Supreme Court building to stop the swearing in of Brett Kavanaugh to the SCOTUS. Their side pillaged, burned, and looted cities while condemning President Trump's attempts to protect the American citizens from such horrific violence as acting like a dictator. Their side six months ago mocked the President as a coward for being evacuated to the bunker when ANTIFA and BLM stormed the White House, set fire to St. John's church across the street, burned buildings, and cars. Their side cried foul when pepper spray and flashbangs were used to disperse a violent crowd at the White House. DC was under siege by anarchists for a month during the summer of 2020 and nothing was done, nothing like the show of force used now to stop them. Finally to the Left, when Extremists (and ANTIFA) breached the Capital building January 6, 2021, it was the end of the world as we know it. Democrat politician's hair caught on fire! Congress was scrambling like the cockroaches they are to hide from what was coming. An imagined insurrection. An imagined take over of the country. (Truthfully, if a bunch of unarmed people could do that, we are in really big trouble.)

So no, I am not impressed right now. The Left and their media are pissing on my head and telling me it's raining.