Election 2000 Crisis to Chaos to ???

Oh my God! Finally the President Elect George W. Bush will officially be in office in a couple of days! What a fiasco! Is it just Florida's fault we were in such turmoil? Absolutely not! 

1. Election night coverage was as close to criminal as I could ever imagine! Being a normal, everyday human being, I believed the news when they declared the winners of each state as final, except for a few final tabulations. The count was accurate and when the news said a candidate won a state, he did. 

NOT this night! The news made more of a call for their boy and it was convenient that other polling places were still open! A candidate cannot campaign at the polling places but the news can prematurely call a race for a state before all the voters arrive at the voting booth in that same state. This is a crime against democracy in it's worst form! They slipped away into oblivion pointing the finger at poor Chad.

2. Chads! Get rid of the punch ballots! Of course our government will spend millions trying to decide what to do and how to make voting more complicated and flawed. I am a computer nut, but any one who knows computers knows the frustration and fail level they have. Yes voting can be made simple by punch screens, but software can fail and be edited to misplace votes to the other guy by algorithms in the programs. Gambling machines are a great example of changing the odds for the house! Keep it simple!! and Hand written, then there is no doubt as to intent or numbers. Voting is too important to be left to computers!

3. The Popular Vote: I am willing to accept that Al Gore won the popular vote without a national recount of all the punch ballots in every state and county, although I found it hard to believe. I am also willing to accept that George W. Bush won the electoral college and is President of the United States also without a scrutinized recount. I don't believe people recognize how important the Electoral College is.

The President of the United States represents the states as sovereign states participating in a grand union of states. States have their own rights, laws and constitutions under the government of a main body which provides protection and secures peace and prosperity.

The Electoral College protects each state from the rule of one state or a few states ruling over the others. The President does not govern for the popular vote of individuals, but for the popular vote of the states, thus representing a wide variety of views and not the views of a few concentrated populations. If you look at a map of the election results, George W. Bush represents the majority of the views of the states. Just because there are states with less population, the idea that another more populated state can determine the laws and morals of smaller populated states flies in the face of the foundation of our government and undermines a sovereign statehood.

4. Lessons learned. Population wise our country is divided in views and beliefs. Let's work together to solve the problems we face. Not point fingers and be angry because someone's solution is different than another's. A solution is still a solution. How we get there is not as important as actually making it there. Fighting will only delay and cause more ill feelings on both sides.