Y2K Crap

I am about as sick of hearing about Y2K, (Year 2 Thousand, K meaning kilo which is thousand), as I am of hearing about what the President did, or who this week. If you were to take an honest poll and ask people what are you sick of hearing about, Monica Lewinsky and Y2K would top the list.

People are going nuts, or they are nuts already and just coming out of the closet for this one. Buying "Y2K" meals, which were MRE.s a year ago and cheap. Now they are up in price and specialized for the year 2000 freaks who will buy them. Storing up food for the coming chaos, which will make those poor suckers targets, if there really was a calamity. Don't forget about guns. They are buying those too! It makes it even more difficult for law abiding citizens to own a gun, because the only ones you hear about are the ones on the news used in a crime! Get rid of your high security, your body guards, and ask the police to be there before a crime and we would all be alright, and by the way I am Cinderella.

These Y2K people believe they "know" that every business man is sitting on his keester hoping it will all just go away, and we, the low and poor regular people, will be stuck putting back the pieces of a broken society. Did I mention my name was Cinderella?

Billions have been spent on Y2K. Yes there was a real problem, but that was only if nothing were fixed. Things are getting fixed. Everyday we move closer to the new millenium, we are more secure in the fact that the people that run Giant Corporations, the Government, the Military, and the World, will not sit on their butts and watch their lives go to pieces, let us little pawns starve, and lose their wealth and power on something that could be fixed.

IT'S A CONSPIRACY! I am sick of hearing that one too! That would be number 3 on the above list. It's a government conspiracy, of course Clinton being the head, the Military and the National Guard are going to declare Martial Law. The entire nation we will be taken over and become a Clintomunist Government. @#$^&% a bunch of !@##$%. These people who think up this stuff are freaks! GET A LIFE! A REAL LIFE AND NOT A FAIRYTALE MADE UP OF PARANOID DILLUSSIONS LIFE!

Nothing is going to happen that we cannot overcome. I wonder if there is a used food market? Because there are going to be lots of meals and dried food that even my dog would get tired of after the second bite. I guess we will be back in the world relief business again. Someone starving will be glad to eat the leftovers from our foolishness, if we are not too ashamed to bring them out of the food storage shelter, a.k.a. basement.

