A person with an IQ test result of 165 from a test with a max score of 170 is considered in the millionth percentile of intelligence. This person knows no theory is absolutely certain until proven and there is not enough absolute data to prove some of the theories floating around the news cycle today. These theories for instance: origins, global warming (now climate change), dating methods of ancient materials and dead animals, what dinosaurs looked like, etc. cannot be proven one way or another. A person with an IQ of 165 also knows from personal experience that most people are much less intelligent than themselves.

A person with an IQ of 100 or less will scream and fight to the death about something they don't have the intelligence to study for themselves or draw an intelligent conclusion. The less intelligent think of themselves as highly intelligent. The less intelligent think highly intelligent people are "stupid". The less intelligent don't seem to have the ability to prognosticate the logical conclusions to their beliefs or actions. The less intelligent would rather believe rich charlatans (thieves and liars for those who are less intelligent) when they say their world will end if they don’t pay money to fix whatever problem the charlatans have contrived. The less intelligent scoff violently at others who don’t happen to share in their various delusions. When that delusion is attacked, the less intelligent react violently and abusively, which is the behavior of an insane person. The Y2K computer scare is an excellent example of the previous statement. Millions of dollars were reaped by “expert consultants”, survival warehouses, computer manufacturing, Y2K software fixes, gun sales, food storage sales, even toaster sales were up, using the unrealistic fears of the ignorant.


Conclusion: An open mind to apposing arguments is always the first sign of some intelligence. Actions of people generally give away their true intent. Overwhelming use of force is a useful tool in arbitration with those who are violent or who threaten to do violence while not responding to truthful dialogue.


Proverbs 14:15 A simple man believes anything, but a prudent man gives thought to his steps.

Edited 1-5-2015